Thursday, 11 February 2010

Mobility in context

Diana Laurillard has some interesting thoughts on pedagogical implications of mobile technologies. She lists the following intrinsic characteristics:

* Enable knowledge building by learners in different contexts
* Enable learners to construct understandings
* Mobile technology often changes the pattern of learning/work activity
* The context of mobile learning is about more than time and space

The first two characteristics of mobile learning are quite obvious and undisputed. The third and fourth are different and these are exactly the characteristics that relate to my study and the task-artefact cycle. The tool changes the pattern of learning, and ideally, the pattern of learning changes the tool in turn. Actually, the task-artefact cycle (negotiating in context) is the next step from the 'substitution-transition-transfer' threestep.

To see the context of mobile learning as merely a step forward in being able to learn anywhere, anyplace, is not going beyond that threestep (that suited 'regular' e-learning). Mobile learning is also about negotiating the tool used and the pattern of learning, both process and goal. This can go on and on because the possibilities of the tool will keep changing endlessly, adapting to the need of the learning intended. In return, the learning goal will keep changing because more has become possible through the tool used. Mobility in time, space and learning context.

Will discuss the notion of 'affordances' in connection to mobile learning next.

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